Alpha Stage 2 - our next Wind Panel testing.

We are beginning the next stage of prototype testing of our groundbreaking Wind Panel technology. Alpha Stage 2, which will take place at the University of Strathclyde’s wind tunnel, will incorporate new upgrades designed to increase the system’s mechanical output. Previous testing stages have yielded impressive results, and this next phase will further prove the functionality of the Wind Panel under a range of operational conditions.


Our Wind Panel is a world-first wind power generation technology. It uses oscillating aerofoil technology contained within channelling ducts rather than the standard rotary blades of a conventional wind turbine. The aerofoils convert mechanical oscillations to green energy, and their configuration means that they can capture ground-effect and gust winds inaccessible to traditional turbines. This, coupled with its modular, flexible design, means that the Wind Panel will be suitable for installation on wind farms, airport runways, motorways, and even urban and built-up environments, allowing untapped wind energy to be harnessed in a range of locations.


The prototype duct was developed as part of a partnership with the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), and it was designed to augment wind velocity and to focus higher speeds onto the aerofoils. It was previously validated to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5 by the University of Strathclyde, and Alpha testing Stage 1 was completed across two test periods in 2023. The first test period took place at the Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub, and the second at the University of Strathclyde.


During the second test period at the University of Strathclyde, the prototype exceeded its predefined design targets for performance set by industry-leading experts and produced impressive results in terms of mechanical power and efficiency. The next stage of testing will also take place at the University of Strathclyde and Katrick Technologies hopes to build on its previous success with upgrades designed to increase mechanical output.


Alpha Stage 2 will test the system’s operational functionality under fluctuating wind conditions through a newly optimised power train. This process is expected to produce a power transfer of between 80 W and 100 W per duct at the rated wind speed of 12 m/s, as well as demonstrating the system’s capability of starting at a wind speed of just 5 m/s. The testing will allow Katrick Technologies to determine the power curve between wind speeds of 5 m/s to 12 m/s.  The results from this test will inform the next stages of development and mark another milestone on the Wind Panel’s journey to market.


“The results from our initial testing stages last year really highlighted the potential of our technology in disrupting the greentech sphere. Not only does our Wind Panel prototype function as intended, but it also significantly exceeded all of the performance targets that were initially set and produced higher mechanical power outputs at lower speeds than were initially predicted” said Vijay Madlani, CEO. “In this next stage of testing, we are enhancing our product to ensure that the Wind Panel is producing the best possible results by the time it is market-ready.”


The information obtained from our Alpha Stage 2 testing, will take place from 23 April at the University of Strathclyde will inform further improvements and the development of a full working prototype, bringing affordable and accessible wind power generation from our revolutionary Wind Panel even closer to market.


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